Nº 244 Ethiopia Limu Seka
Country: Ethiopia
Process: Washed
Grown / Region: Limu
Altitude: 1500m - 1900m
Varietals: Heirloom
Producers: Smallholders
Tasting Notes: Molasses, Candied Lime & Black Tea
Roast Level: Dark 5/5

A classic Ethiopian washed coffee from the Seka Washing Station with notes of citrus, florals and intense sweetness. Limu coffees come from the Oromia region and are typically farmed as ‘garden coffees’ on smallholder plots that are later combined and sold in groups. Ethiopian regions give a unique and distinct character to their coffees that make them reliable and highly consistent. They have a smooth mouthfeel, are medium bodied and also make desirable blend components.
Nº 235 Peru Chirinos
Country: Peru
Process: Washed
Grown / Region: San Ignacio, Cajamarca
Altitude: 1400m - 1700m
Varietals: Caturra, Pache
Producers: Finca Churupampa and surrounding farms
Tasting Notes: Hazelnut, Butter Candy & Rooibos Tea
Roast Level: Medium 3/5
Flavour Category: Chocolate & Caramel, Nuts & Spice

Peru continues to be an exciting origin for speciality coffee. Over the past few years coffee roasters have looked to Peru for high altitude, sweet and complex coffees that are more affordable than those from Colombia and Central America. Much of Peru is still very remote and harvesting coffee cherries can be especially labour intensive due to tricky terrain, steep slopes and poor road networks. But the quality of the coffee that can be found here can be particularly rewarding.
This lot from Chirinos is dry fermented in open tanks for 38 - 48 hours before being washed and dried on raised beds under shade cover.
The Chirinos coffee is comprised of 3 farms in the area surrounding the village of Chirinos in the north eastern region of Peru. The coffee has classic flavours of nuts and brown sugar sweetness, but with an elevated complexity. One of the contributing farms is Finca Churupampa, the owners of which are also responsible for exporting the coffee!