Nº 285 Ethiopia Ky Kebero

Country: Ethiopia
Process: Washed
Grown / Region: Konga, Yirgacheffe
Altitude: 1900-2000m
Varietals: Heirloom
Producers: Smallholders
Tasting Notes: Dark Chocolate, Brown Sugar, Baked Peach
Roast Level: Dark 5/5

This coffee is named after the Amharic word for Ethiopian wolf. This particular species is Africa’s most endangered carnivore. But over 150 of the remaining animals roam the Bale Mountains just to the west of where this coffee is grown.

Coffees from this region are renowned for their sweet chocolate, citrus and floral character. Roasting to a dark level has fully developed the sweetness and body of this coffee, making it a great espresso that pairs well with milk. A filter-style brew will bring out those floral notes and stone fruit flavour.


Nº 284 Mexico Café El Zapoteco

Country: Mexico
Process: Washed
Grown / Region: Sierra Juarez, Oaxaca
Altitude: 1300-1700m
Varietals: Typica, Mundo Novo, and Bourbon
Producers: 180 Smallholders
Tasting Notes: Butterscotch, Biscuit, Vanilla
Roast Level: Medium 3/5

Farm Notes:

Based just north of Oaxaca City, Sierra Juarez is Home to Cafe El Zapoteco, an Association of 180 coffee producing families from three towns. It's a close knit community, neighbours helping to harvest each others crop, with the farms owner providing food instead of payment. Farms vary from 0.5 to 5 Hectares, but most are relatively small at under 1 Hectare on avarage. This Communities work produces a wonderfully approachable coffee full of plum, dates and lasting spice like clove.

This is our fourth year of working with this same group of smallholders. In that time, we have seen quality improve, and therefore the producers receive higher incomes from their harvest. We are also purchasing more and more of their yield each year. This year there is more clarity in the cup, as well as an intense sweetness and flavours of sweet biscuit and vanilla. This lot has been roasted to a medium level, celebrating all the notes of caramelisation and making the coffee super versatile.


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